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ECHO Rx Greenville County

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For more information, please call (864) 467-3927.

The Empowering Communities for Healthy Outcomes Coalition (ECHO) was established in 2015 to focus on prescription and Opioid drug misuse/abuse.  This effort was funded with seed money from the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention (CSAP), Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) through a cooperative agreement with the South Carolina Governor’s Office.  The Greenville ECHO Rx Coalition works closely with the South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS) and uses a comprehensive strategic plan addressing the 5 steps of the strategic prevention framework (assessment, capacity, planning, implementation, and evaluation).

ECHO Rx Greenville has worked diligently to build a strong coalition of over 40 community leaders who have investigated the local problems, contributing factors, and solutions regarding Opioid abuse/misuse. The Coalition has already created linkages and collaboration among system and partner agencies throughout the county, conducted comprehensive county needs and resources assessment, and identified evidence-based interventions that will produce population level change in South Carolina.

The ECHO Rx Greenville Coalition focuses on community access to prescription and illegal Opioids; specifically decreasing social and retail access to these substances. Through this effort, the Coalition has been able to increase the number of drug dropboxes from only 1 dropbox to 7 dropboxes located in pharmacies and local police departments around the county. This keeps unused perscription drugs safe from abuse/misuse in the community.  The Coalition also works to educate the community on the harmful effects of Opioid abuse/misuse through community forums, billboards, social media, trainings and collaborations with local health professionals, law enforcement, policy makers, treatment professionals and other community leaders.

Click here to learn more about the ECHO Rx Greenville.

Medication Drop Boxes


Medication Safety

Preventing Opioid Problems

ECHO Rx Facebook Page